2011年5月17日 星期二
Flipboard 的CEO称被中国正式屏蔽
原文来源: Penn-Olson, 2011/5/15
原文链接: http://goo.gl/wen4H
译者: S.M.
校对: 南山
Flipboard 的CEO迈克•麦克库伊在推特上写道:“中国已经正式屏蔽了Flipboard,而其国内已冒出了同类的山寨产品。与此同时我们都在质疑中国政府,它到底想要在此类事情上走多远?”
Flipboard是 ipad 2010年度软件,据称在中国已经被屏蔽。原因目前尚不 清楚,正如迈克•麦克库伊向 techcrunch 的@alexia所说的那样:
“目前还不清楚此事的细节,刚刚听说了(这个情况),很多中国朋友过去一直在愉快地使用我们的软件。我们不得不研究接下来的对 策。”
Facebook 和推特已经被中国政府的防火长城屏蔽,flipbook通过其在美国的服务器,实际上起到代理服务器的作用,使得在中国的人们能够登入这两个社交网站。亚马逊公司的kindle也是一个类似的工具,因为它的whispernet允许用户无限制地浏览因特网——至少是在kindle力所能及的范围内自由地上网冲浪。
更新:Flipboard团队的一名成员今天早上说:“[我们正]在努力查找我们被屏蔽的程度和范围。目前看来,拜防火长城所赐,我们的整个应 用似乎都已经被屏蔽。”
Access To iPad App Flipboard Compromised In China
As of today certain aspects of the Flipboard experience have been blocked for Chinese users, at the very least access to Facebook and Twitter according to Flipboard CEO Mike McCue. While direct access to Facebook and Twitter is routinely blocked in China, the Flipboard app talked to its own US-based servers, which in turn talked to Twitter and Facebook so this block is particularly interesting.
“Lots of folks in China had been using us happily until now,” McCue said, “Guess we had unwittingly poked a hole in their wall which has now been shut down… Presumably unless we block Facebook and Twitter ourselves in China.” The iPad app is still available in the Chinese app store.
McCue tells me that it’s still unclear if you can access Google Reader, Instagram or Flickr from China and that we’ll know more in the morning about what exactly is going on.
While McCue says that a small percentage of the app’s users are Chinese, Chinese clones like Tencent’s ICare, MagSina and the NetEase Reader are quite popular. Flipboard itself recently raised $50 million on a $200 million valuation.
Says McCue on the clones, “They are complete replicas visually (though they are super slow performance wise),” begging the question, ”Do the Chinese censor US services to protect their regime or to protect their market?”
Update from McCue:
“I can now confirm Flipboard itself is being blocked. All services (not just Facebook and Twitter) no longer work. [Users] used to be able to login to Facebook and Twitter using VPN. Now with our servers blocked, even if you had successfully logged in, we can’t show data. Also, users who had setup Flipboard from outside china used to be able to use Facebook and Twitter when within china. That is no longer the case.”
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