zt: 老方还是很会讲话的。
◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys7.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇ 2013年克利夫·罗伯森哨兵奖获奖演讲 ·方舟子· (第24届全球欺诈问题大会,2013年6月26日拉斯维加斯。克利夫·罗伯森哨 兵奖为纪念曾揭露好莱坞黑幕的奥斯卡最佳男主角获得者克利夫·罗伯森,每年 授予一个不顾个人或职业后果,公开揭露企业或政府的错误的人。) (译文) 获得该奖我深感荣幸。上个月有一个中国电视台播放了一个介绍我的活动的 报道,其题目是《一个人在战斗》。那是因为在中国我们没有像ACFE(注册舞弊 审核师协会)这样的组织,我必须以个人的力量来反对造假。但这个说法并不准 确。我的确有很多支持者,特别是我的妻子。今天她也在这儿。没有她的爱和支 持,我不可能持续战斗了这么长时间。在13年前我开始战斗的时候,我也从未想 过会持续这么长时间。这发生于2000年,当时互联网在中国兴起,许多中国报纸 和杂志都上网了。我当时住在加利福尼亚,也能很容易地获得中国的信息。我很 惊讶地发现伪科学、欺诈、不正当行为和腐败在中国科学界和保健业是如此泛滥, 却没能听到独立的批评声音,所以我决定对此做点事。我建立了一个网站,最终 它成了反对中国学术界欺诈现象的旗舰。我们每年报道大约100起造假事件,但 这只是冰山的一角。我是义务做这项工作的。我是个科普作家。我以写书而不是 以揭露造假来谋生。没有人付钱让我做这些事,但有人付钱试图阻止我。我已面 对许多威胁、诉讼甚至未遂的谋杀。在2010年8月的一个下午,在北京,我遭到 两个凶手的袭击,用辣椒水、锤子和钢管当武器。他们是一个外科医生雇的,因 为我揭露他的不当医疗伤害了一千多名儿童。我侥幸逃脱袭击,只受了轻伤,因 为他们用的辣椒水是无效的。很幸运的,我被一个假产品救了命。后来该外科医 生被警察抓获,他的外科手术方法被中国卫生部禁用,但是他只被判了5个半月。 现在他出狱了,重新开了医院,继续做其被禁的手术,并威胁我。我不会害怕也 不会被吓住。我被迫成为一个战士,而既然战斗已经开始,我就必须继续下去, 直到情形有所改观,否则我的努力就会白费。但是我不指望不久以后情形就会有 戏剧性改观。在一个没有民主、法治和言论自由的国家,反欺诈战役要比你能设 想的还要困难得多,因此国际的支持是珍贵的。我非常感激你们的褒奖。再次谢 谢你们给予的这个荣誉。 (原文) Acceptance Speech of 2013 Cliff Robertson Sentinel Award I am very grateful and honored to receive this award. Last month a Chinese TV channel had a coverage of my activity. Its title was "a one-man war against fraud". That's because in China we don't have an organization like ACFE, and I have to fight fraud individually. But this description is not very accurate. I do have many supporters, particularly, my wife. She is here today. Without her love and support, I wouldn't be able to carry on this fight for so long. When I started it 13 years ago, I never expected it would last for so long. This happened in 2000 when the Internet was booming in China, and many Chinese newspapers and magazines were online. I could easily get information from China when I was living in California. I was surprised to see that pseudoscience, fraud, misconduct, and corruption were so widely spread in Chinese scientific community and health industry, and no independent critical voices could be heard, so I decided to do something about it. I set up a Web site, and eventually it became a flagship against fraud among Chinese academics. We reported about 100 cases every year, but that's just the tip of an iceberg. I do this work voluntarily. I am a science writer. I earn my living by writing books, not by debunking fraud. Nobody pays me to do it. But somebody did pay trying to stop me. I have faced many threats, law suits, even an attempted murder. In an afternoon of August 2010, in Beijing, I was assaulted by two hit men, using pepper spray, hammer and iron bar as weapons. They were hired by a surgeon because I exposed his malpractice that had harmed more than one thousand children. I narrowly escaped the assault with minor injuries because the pepper spray they used was ineffective. So my life was luckily saved by a fraudulent product. Later the surgeon was caught by police and his surgical operation was banned by Ministry of Health of Chia, but he was only sentenced for five and half months. Now he is out of prison, reopens his clinic, continues to do his banned surgical operation, and threaten me. I am not scared and won't be stopped. I was forced to become a fighter, and since the fight has started, I have to keep it going until the situation is somehow improved, otherwise my efforts will be wasted. But I don't expect the situation will have a dramatic improvement soon. In a country without democracy, rule of law and freedom of speech, anti-fraud campaign is much more difficult than you can imagine, and international support is precious. I deeply appreciate your recognition. Thank you again for this honor. (XYS20130702) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys7.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇
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