或者应该换个角度问: 胡锦涛一年交了多少税?
工资收入对比 |
1955年 国家领导人与普通干部工资收入对比 1955年是新中国诞生的第六年,我国在借鉴苏联、朝鲜等国家管理模式和经验的基础上,开始在全 军实行军衔制,在全国实行行政级别工资制,行政级从1级到24级,月工资从594元到45元不等,一直延续到80年代末,前后历时30余年。 由 于当时的物价指数和生活水平较低,贫富差距不大,城市居民每人每月的平均生活费仅为八九元,三四十元的月工资便能养活一个五口之家。 最 近,笔者走访几位老将军、老干部,查阅了当年的历史档案和资料,方得知许多秘闻趣事…… 当时的“四定”工作由中央军委和政务院(国务院) 负责。以周恩来总理为首的领导小组在调查研究、借鉴酝酿和广泛征求意见的基础上,考虑到军心民意和国情等因素,反复起草修改,整整工作了一年,最终拿出一 个方案,呈报毛主席审阅、批准。这个方案如下: 行政级别职务月工资(元)人员 一级军委主席600毛泽东(大元帅) 二 级副主席550元朱德、刘少奇、周恩来等 三级元帅500陈云、邓小平和元帅 四级大将450元粟裕、徐海东、陈赓等大将 五 级上将400大军区、省、部级正职 …… 毛泽东仔细看完《方案》后,紧皱着眉头久久不语,他一连吸了几支烟,然后说:“我 看不妥,这样不利于团结,贫富差距要缩小嘛!” 后来,毛主席在一次党中央、国务院、中央军委召开的会议上,诙谐地说:“你们让我当大元 帅,是把我放在火炉子上烤(考)我呀,!……一级干部就我毛泽东一个人,你们都是二级、三级,我毛泽东太不够意思、太不够朋友!……”毛泽东沉思片刻后笑 着说:“我们把一级让给马克思、恩格斯,把二级让给列宁、斯大林,我和你们一样,都是三级干部嘛!……”与会者响起一片笑声和热烈的掌声。但是,这让负责 具体工作的周总理很为难,如果按毛主席的指示办,毛主席的工资收入将减少100元,其他中央领导人的工资将减少50元。最后,周总理和他的助手们想出了一 个既聪明又合理的折中方案,这个方案大体如下: 这个方案得到毛主席和党中央的批准。这样,从元帅到准尉,从国家元首到办事员共划分为24 个级别,工资从45元到594元不等,级与级之间最多相差50多元,最少只相差5元。因地区类别不同(全国划分为4—11类),同级地方干部相差10— 40元,军队干部比地方干部平均高出30元左右,充分体现了“血比汗值钱”的原则。 评级、评衔是一项既复杂又较难平衡的工作,为了照顾那 些革命早、资历老、战功大但职务、军衔较低的老同志,采取了“低职、低衔、高行政级”的评定方法。如山东大学前校长成仿吾,行政级评为5级,相当于上将和 正省级。 在这次授衔评级中,大将许光达曾两次给中央军委毛主席和周总理写信、打电话,申请降衔、降级,在全军传为佳话。 毛 主席、周总理和中央军委没有批准许光达的申请,仍授予他大将军衔,并担任中国人民解放军装甲兵司令员。最后,他再次要求降行政级为5级(与上将相同)。许 光达的高风亮节多次受到毛主席的表扬,至今令人怀念、敬佩不已。 1960年之后的三年困难时期,身为党中央副主席的陈云带头提出给自己降 级、降薪,毛主席拍手称好,说:“要降,我们一起降嘛!与全国人民共渡难关!” 1960年9月26日中共中央、国务院通知:三级降 12%,四级降10%,五级降8%,六级降6%,七级降4%,八级降2%,九至十七级降1%。于是,一大批军队和地方干部都降了薪,用来支援国家和人民。 1965年8月1日,毛主席倡议取消了军衔制,恢复红军时期官兵一致的红领章、红帽徽,“一颗红星头上戴,革命的红旗挂两边”。 |
Obamas: $5.5 million income, $1.8 million tax bill
As book sales soar, Obamas earn $5.5 million in 2009, pay $1.8 million in federal income tax
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Thanks to revived book sales after he became president,
The Obamas gave $329,100 to charities in 2009. The president, who released his tax returns Thursday, also donated his entire $1.4 million
Obama, a former law school instructor and U.S. senator, became a millionaire a few years ago through sales of his 1995 memoir "Dreams From My Father" and his 2006 political book, "The Audacity of Hope." He earned about $4 million in royalties in 2007, the year he launched his presidential campaign.
Sales included his audio versions of the books, for which Obama won two Grammy awards in the spoken-word category.
Sales dropped somewhat in 2008, the year he was elected president, although his books still netted him about $2.5 million.
Obama's January inauguration as the nation's first black president seemed to revive interest in his books. Royalties in 2009 more than doubled the previous year's amount.
Obama is paid $400,000 a year as president, although he received $374,460 last year because he took office on Jan. 20.
The Obamas paid nearly $1.8 million in federal income tax last year, and $163,303 in Illinois income tax. Among their charitable gifts were $50,000 each to CARE and the United Negro College Fund.
Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, had far more modest earnings. They reported an adjusted gross income of $333,182 for 2009. They paid $71,147 in federal income taxes, $12,420 in Delaware income taxes and $1,477 in Virginia income taxes, where Jill Biden works as a college professor.
The Bidens gave $4,820 to charity, in cash and in-kind donations.
The Obamas claimed $514,819 in federal itemized deductions. They included the state income taxes, the $329,100 for charity, $52,195 in home mortgage interest payments, and $22,456 in real estate taxes.
Of their taxable income of $4,980,858, everything above $372,950 was taxed at the top marginal rate of 35 percent. Obama wants to increase the two highest marginal rates, restoring the top rate of 39.6 percent that was in effect under former President
Had those rates been in effect last year, the Obamas' federal income tax bill would have increased by more than $200,000.
The president reported paying $471,022 in commissions and fees for his book sales, mainly to his agents and promoters, the White House said. Otherwise he reported fairly modest offsets to his $5 million in book profits: $15,722 in legal and professional fees, and $866 in office expenses.
The Obamas reported selling 9,472 shares in the Bank of Hawaii, for a loss of $125,879. They sold the shares for $355,029, but they reportedly were worth $480,908 when the family inherited them more than a year earlier.
The Bidens' largest itemized deduction was $30,349 for home mortgage interest payments. They reported relatively modest interest income, including $12 from the U.S. Senate Federal Credit Union.
Associated Press writer Stephen Ohlemacher contributed to this report.
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